Games Research and Education (M.Sc. and Ph.D.)

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Welcome to the Institute of Digital Games, the research and education centre at the University of Malta, focusing on game design, game analysis, and game technology!

Our work is at the forefront of innovative games research. We explore games and play, uncovering new playful and generative possibilities in game design and technology. We delve into everything games can teach us about ourselves.

Our multidisciplinary academic team spans computer science, literature, game design, philosophy, media studies, and social sciences.

Click here to read our annual report for the year 2022/2023.

David developed an innovative model for understanding board game involvement for his thesis.

It is an environment roaring with ideas, thoughts, games, prototypes, concepts. It was a period when I felt constantly inspired.

Rebecca is researching narrative in games. As part of her thesis, she developed a choice-driven video game.

Practice in the form of game project assignments and a supportive teaching staff really boost your confidence as a game designer!

The Institute feels like a little community that you're part of.

William's research explored the procedural generation of multi-floor levels for first-person shooters.

Being involved in the research process, I realised how passionate everyone at IDG is about their research.

David C.
Graduated in 2015
Rebecca P.
Graduated in 2017
William C.
Graduated in 2015

Blog What we have been up to lately

Game Lecture: Jade Pecorella

February 2, 2016

We are kicking off the Game Lecture Series for 2016 with Jade Pecorella talking about her experiences as a game designer in Malta. The lecture is on Tuesday 16th of February 2016 at 7:00 pm, and is held at the Institute of Digital Games. The topic … read more

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  • Event

Experimental Games Exposition

February 1, 2016

On Tuesday 9th of February, the Institute is holding the Experimental Games Exposition, to celebrate the results of the 2016 Malta Global Game Jam. The event starts at 7:00 pm and everyone is welcome to attend. Come and play games made by creative teams … read more

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  • Event

Student work at AIIDE 2015 conference

December 1, 2015

IDG student work finds its way into academic conferences: the M.Sc. thesis work of William Cachia on the level generation of shooter video games was presented in the Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment conference in Santa Cruz on … read more

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  • Student Work