During the academic year of 2016/17, the Institute of Digital Games was happy to host many experts in the field of games and academia in general, in our ongoing Game Lecture Series. Find below a summary list of all Game Lectures in 2016.17. Don't forget that Game Lectures are public, open, free events on weekday evenings which bring together academics, practitioners and enthusiasts with a common love for games of any type: digital, analog, urban, free-form, etc. We hope to see everyone interested in our upcoming Game Lectures of 2017/18 starting next September!
November 2016: Stefano Gualeni - Institute of Digital Games - Experience Machines
February 2017: Coline Pannier - Ubisoft - Inaloop Games - Designing for Systemic Change
February 2017: Valery Bollier - OulalaGames - Daily Fantasy Sports: How big data is allowing the creation of a new type of game
April 2017: Tomasz Majkowksi - Jagiellonian University - Video Games and Culture of Laughter
May 2017: Andrei Xuereb - Malta Historical Fencing Association - Fantasy vs Reality - Sword fighting in Video Games