Almost four years after the experimental, philosophical videogame Necessary Evil (2013), our Stefano Gualeni decided to work on a new, small, case for "playable philosophy" with the support of the Institute of Digital Games and Maltco Lotteries.
In case you did not know, according to Stefano's work, virtual worlds effectively already function as mediators of thought. We can specifically use them to make and negotiate philosophical points by themselves or in combination with other media forms (like text) depending on the situation. As explained in a recent article of his, videogames are particularly useful
"in philosophical contexts when detailed representations of spatial contexts are particularly salient to the point being made, or when the materialization of a specific situation is called for (for example in the case of thought experiments or the simulation of ethical scenarios)."
Are you interested in helping him put together another bizarre videothingy? You can do it in two ways:
1 [PAID] (only for IDG students and former students): you can be hired to work on the project part-time for six months. Here is the Call for Applications.
2 [UNPAID] (open to anybody living in Malta, 15-45 y-o): You can contact Stefano to be interviewed as part of the preliminary research for the project. Find his email address here.
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