INNOVATHENS, the hub of innovation & entrepreneurship in Athens, Greece, organized a 2-week bootcamp for novice game developers from 17 to 29 July. The bootcamp included an intense set of game lectures on game design and development. The Institute of Digital Games was happy to contribute to the event, with a lecture on Level Design by Antonios Liapis on Saturday 22 July 2017. The talk covered general level design patterns (both visual such as object representation and functional such as camera placement), ways to emotionally stimulate the player through light, color and camera angle, and ways of describing and operationalizing open world design based on urban planning. The attendees of the Get into Games bootcamp present their design plans at the end of the school and can continue working on them in coming months. For those interested in continuing beyond the 2-week lecture period of the bootcamp, the M.Sc. in Digital Games at IDG is an ideal next step!