In case you are interested in games, education, curiosity, and game design, the international team behind project CURIO (‘A Teaching Toolkit for Fostering Scientific Curiosity’) is excited to invite you the CURIO Kickoff Event which will take place
19th January, 2018 at 10 am
at the
Old University Campus, St Paul Street, Valletta (meeting room 6, level 0)
What is CURIO? CURIO is a strategic partnership action funded under the ERASMUS+ programme. It is a 3-year project that aims to engage students and stimulate curiosity in scientific topics at the elementary school level through the creation of a digital toolkit. The CURIO toolkit will allow teachers and students to author scenarios that can then be played in a gamified, virtual environment.
What is the CURIO Kickoff Event? The CURIO project officially started in October 2017. In this brief kickoff event and we are going to publicly launch our project and present our plan of action for the upcoming three years. The kickoff event will focus on informing the stakeholders and future users of the toolkit with a focus on technical innovation, new pedagogical opportunities, and the various social benefits we envisage. What follows is an outline of the event:
10.00 am: Hon. Evarist Bartolo (The Ministry for Education and Employment)
Kick-off address
10.05 am: Dr. Stefano Gualeni (Institute of Digital Games, University of Malta)
Introduction to CURIO and general outline of the project (partners, outputs, deadlines)
10.12 am: Marcello Gómez Maureira (Placeholder Interactive)
An insight into the design, the technical challenges, and the research relevance of CURIO
10.28 am: Prof. Sandra Dingli (Edward De Bono Institute, University of Malta)
Unleashing creative potential to foster scientific curiosity
10.45 am: Drinks and refreshments
The CURIO team is composed of:
The Institute of Digital Games - University of Malta
PlaceHolder Interactive (Malta)
University of Venice (Italy)
University of Skövde (Sweden)