On Friday, 30th of September, Valletta wore its (metaphorical) lab coat and welcomed another Science in the City event. The Institute of Digital Games could not be absent from the event, and four members of the tech-oriented IDG staff were present at the city gates and the EU corner, showcasing the latest research funded by the FP7 Marie Curie CIG project AutoGameDesign.
Georgios Yannakakis, principal investigator of AutoGameDesign, Antonios Liapis, Owen Sacco and Phil Lopes were at the event from 6pm until midnight, engaging the public with our latest work on artificial intelligence and games. Both work of Master students and of staff was showcased, including procedurally generated levels for mobile games, weapons that change depending on the music you are listening to, weapons designed to surprise you, horror games where the computer decides what sounds to play in each room in the mansion, and computer-controlled players that can fool a spectator that they are human.